The INDIGO Foundation has as its mission working for a more united, liveable, and sustainable city.

The foundation takes action to improve towns and cities and make them more pleasant places to live, where community spirit thrives, and everyone enjoys a good quality of life.

Its founder, the INDIGO group, is a major player in the parking and individual mobility sector, operating at the heart of the regions in which it operates.

Are you an INDIGO Group employee?

Put your project forward !

Because the city and its inhabitants deserve a more united, liveable, and sustainable city, the INDIGO Foundation supports projects of public interest firmly rooted in the local area, carried out by INDIGO Group employees. It builds on our long-standing commitment to serving cities and embodies our raison d’être: “Creating space for a peaceful city motion”.

Sébastien FRAISSE

President of the Management Board of the INDIGO Group
and President of the INDIGO Foundation

Acting for local residents

Sport and solidarity

Improve the lives of people (young people, people in precarious situations, etc.) by supporting projects that use the practice and values of sport (teamwork, high standards, a taste for effort) to encourage personal development, integration, and the creation of social ties & that strengthen local solidarity and combat exclusion in the city.

Acting for the city

Culture and heritage

Supporting and encouraging the creation and development of projects aimed at preserving, bringing to life, and showcasing the local cultural (tangible or intangible) and natural heritage that forges the identity of these areas.

Functioning & Governance

INDIGO Group employees

The INDIGO Foundation supports projects proposed by INDIGO Group employees. The employees propose and monitor the projects once they have been supported by the INDIGO Foundation.

Regional committees and calls for projects

To enable all INDIGO employees to put, forward a project for support, internal calls for proposals are made prior to each Executive Committee meeting. Employees’ proposals are validated by the regional committees according to the defined criteria. The applications selected are then forwarded to the General Delegate, who centralises them and presents them to the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee

INDIGO Foundation has an Executive Committee which meets three times a year to define and guide its strategy and select the projects to be selected for its support.


Sébastien FRAISSE

President of the Management Board of the INDIGO Group
and President of the INDIGO Foundation


Director of IS projects


Head of Communication, Brand and Engagement

Qualified Persons


Olympic Judo Champion and Head of the Property and Logistics Division for the Greater Paris Region at GRDF

Foulques d'ABOVILLE

Director of Operations France and International at CulturEspaces

The General Delegate

The general delegate steers and coordinates the Foundation’s activities in close collaboration with the INDIGO Group in-house project referents and external project leaders. She organises, oversees and implements the strategy approved by the Executive Committee.


The General Delegate
Of the INDIGO Foundation

The Fondation de France

The INDIGO Foundation is sheltered by the Fondation de France. The Fondation de France representative assists the General Delegate in putting together sponsorship applications, checking their eligibility, and attending meetings of the Executive Committee.

Théodora ESANOU

Head of Programmes and Sheltered Foundations Vulnerabilities and Inclusion - Fondation de France

Documents and publications

Annual Report - 2023

Presentation of the INDIGO Foundation