The Philharmonie Luxembourg Amateur Orchestra

Art and culture

Followed by Dimitri MATSOUKAS, Director INDIGO Luxembourg

Luxembourg Ville

The Philharmonie Luxembourg Amateur Orchestra

Launched in 2022 by Philharmonie Luxembourg, the Orchestre de la Place de l’Europe brings together 110 adult amateur musicians. It embodies the joy of sharing and welcoming, under the enthusiastic direction of Benjamin Schäfer. This lively percussionist from the Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg, who gladly swaps his timpanist’s baton for that of a conductor, has led his musicians from Antonín Dvořák to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, via Claude Debussy, Dmitri Shostakovich and Modest Moussorgski.

The Philharmonic aims to develop a more ambitious program each year. The orchestra’s mission is as follows:

  • To train young musicians (graduates or those obtaining a higher conservatory diploma) in professional orchestral practice.
  • Serious recruitment & a solid, certified 2-year training program including high-quality coaching, complete immersion in the Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra, workshops and advanced training and coaching sessions.

The Fondation INDIGO finances the coordination and part of the equipment required by the musicians.

To find out more about the Orchestre de la Place de L’Europe, visit the Philharmonie Luxembourg website.