
Sport and solidarity

INDIGO Encounters the Ballet Paraisópolis


ESG Specialist

INDIGO Encounters the Ballet Paraisópolis


Sport and solidarity

A delegation from INDIGO Brazil visited the Ballet Paraisópolis and was able to appreciate the results of the work undertaken, coupled with the talent and passion of the students. The delegation also spoke to director Monica Tarragó about the benefits of their work for the local community. The support of the INDIGO Foundation was extremely valuable, and was acknowledged in the Brazilian national press, with an article in the ESTADAO newspaper.

Ballet Paraisópolis was founded in 2012 with the mission of transforming the lives of families in the community of Paraisópolis, one of the largest in the country, by promoting art, education, and culture. It offers free dance training for children and young people aged between 8 and 20, with a course lasting up to 9 years. This includes classes in classical ballet, contemporary dance, pilates and dance history.

In 2024, Ballet Paraisópolis inaugurates the project: Companhia Ballet Paraisópolis Circula, supported by INDIGO Foundation. This initiative will feature a series of captivating performances, which will pass through several cities in the state of São Paulo, showing the immense talent and creativity stimulated by the ballet company.

This projet had several fundamental objectives: to educate children and teenagers artistically through the language of dance and to stimulate artistic and social development. Thanks to a partnership with Uniítalo, professional dancers and teachers can obtain a diploma at the Centro Universitário Ítalo Brasileiro. To complement the artistic training, Instituto Vita offers consultations, physiotherapy, and examinations. Students can also take an English course through Cultura Inglesa, and the Centro Universitário São Camilo offers nutritional support to students and their families.

A future event is already planned at the São Paulo headquarters with INDIGO employees, where the young dancers will be able to share their know-how and creativity.

This is just the beginning of this successful partnership. If you’d like to find out more about Ballet Paraisópolis or this project, check out their website and an article published in ESTADÃO about funding from the INDIGO Foundation.