
One year of support for a more united, more liveable and more sustainable city – Annual report 2023


General Delegate

One year of support for a more united, more liveable and more sustainable city – Annual report 2023


The entire INDIGO Foundation team is delighted and proud to publish its first annual report, presenting our philanthropic activities, their results and their impact.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to all our partners, who support projects serving the general interest locally, and to the staff of our founder, the INDIGO Group, for the work they have done together. Thanks to you, we have been able to help improve the quality of life of local residents and strengthen local solidarity, through the two main areas of intervention of the INDIGO Foundation: sport and culture.

Launched in January 2023, the Foundation has firmly established its initial foundations and engaged its stakeholders. By supporting 25 projects in 19 cities and 4 countries, benefiting more than 150,000 people, its initial results far exceed our ambitions.

Our annual report perfectly illustrates this success through the presentation of concrete actions, testimonials and key figures, and highlights the tremendous commitment of associations, foundations and local bodies who are carrying out concrete projects in the heart of their communities. It also opens up new prospects for the future, with support that I hope will enable towns and cities to rise to the major challenges of building the city to which citizens aspire: one that is more inclusive, more pleasant and more sustainable.